The Classroom Experience

The Classroom Experience

     Each class starts with a few minutes of conversation. This gives everyone a chance to arrive and settle in. We all have things going on in our lives that we like to share. This helps build community in the classroom.  

     Instruction begins with a mini lesson on that days skill. Questions are encouraged at any time. Once the mini lesson is complete, names are drawn at random to work individually with the teacher. Problems are worked out on the whiteboard for the class to see. Names are drawn until each student has had at least one turn working out a problem on the shared whiteboard.  

     Students who are not working directly with the teacher on a problem are encouraged to enter answers in the private chat. Their answers come directly to the teacher and students receive feedback on their answers. This maximizes the amount of practice and feedback that each student receives.

     Instruction is designed using Task Analysis. Task Analysis is the process of determining the required skills necessary to reach a goal. Breaking math skills into their smaller component skills allows students to build on previous skills, and to identify and practice new skills. Breaking big problems into smaller, easier to solve problems, reduces stress and increases understanding of the entire process. This, in turn, increases the students confidence in their ability to do the math and achieve their goals.

    If you would like your child to have a "No Worries" math experience and feel confident about there skills, the process is simple. Sign up, log in, and register for a class. New Student Registration